Train to Anywhere
Inspired by the whirlwind of daily life, the short animation follows a woman whose thoughts drift to the tranquil allure of the ocean, a serene destination amid the urban frenzy. "Train to Anywhere" beautifully illustrates the universal yearning for solace and serenity amidst the clamor of modern existence.
This passion project marks my inaugural venture into frame-by-frame animation using Adobe Animate.
The first step of creating my art, the moodboard captures the visuals, colors, and feelings of my story. Since I want to show daily life in Indonesia, I include elements like commuting on a train, which is a big part of people's lives here. I also add things like the ocean and manta rays to the moodboard. They're like little "refreshments" to our everyday life, giving a touch of fantasy and making things more exciting.
One of my favorite steps because it lets me explore visuals based on what I imagine in my mind. I get to draw elements for the animation, like the woman commuting on the train or dreaming about the ocean and manta rays. Sketching is super fun because it's where I can let my creativity flow and see how the different parts of the story come together visually.
Illustration & Coloring
I use two different colors, orange and blue, to show the contrast between reality and our dreams. The orange represents what's real, like the busy train and daily life, while the blue represents our dreams, like the calming ocean and manta rays. By using contrasting colors, I can show the difference between what we have and what we wish for.
Animation Process
I used After Effects to create most of the animation. But I also wanted to try something new, so I used Adobe Animate for the frame-by-frame animation of the manta rays movement. After that, I took what I made in Adobe Animate and brought it into After Effects, where I could make it even better using shape layers. It's such a fun process because I get to explore different tools and techniques to bring my ideas to life in the animation.